Scout Promise
More about the promise   > Upcoming activities in the calendar   > By making the promise the scout agrees with the principles and objectives of the BPS and is prepared to enter into a membership and to participate in his troop.

Learning By Doing
Learning takes place not only through theoretical instruction, but primarily by practical experience.

Patrol System
By dividing the troop into small groups, the patrol leader has a greater ability to deal with individuals. Just as the scouts are also the leaders themselves learners who grow with their tasks. By the method of small groups, the development of self-reliance, the sense of responsibility and reliability is promoted.

To achieve these objectives a varied program of interesting activities is used, such as craft activities, joyful Christian proclamation, practice-oriented Bible studies, games and sports, orientation in nature and community involvement. The simple life in the adventure and camp encourages to meaningful leisure activities and lead away from a consumerist attitude. In the patrol everyone can get involved with his individual skills and practice social behavior in a community. Projects that aim to support the needy are also serving this purpose.

The three principles

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The three principles are closely related to the promise: Wanting to help at any time and act responsibly in the community arises from the duty to others. The commitment to oneself is part of the law, which leads as a guideline to the positive development of the own personality.

The three fingers remind a Scout of the three parts of the Scout Promise.

- Lord Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the World

1. Duty to God
As the BPS we acknowledge God's revelation, which is witnessed by the Bible. We believe that the Holy Spirit wants to lead us in daily life. That's why getting to know the Gospel through the study of the Bible must not remain on a theoretical level, but become a personal relationship with God.

2. Duty to others
As Scouts we have an obligation to be good citizens. We serve our country and our fellow men and advocate peace, justice and the preservation of the human rights. Thereby shall the formation of a political opinion not be partial, but rather neutral.

3. Duty to oneself
We know our strengths and our weaknesses and make every effort to keep damage and bad influences away from us. From this attitude we can work on ourselves and ensure the positive development of our personality.